John Almazan John Almazan

Reclaiming a Mine with Biosolids: a Case Study from Vancouver, BC

In addition to its other beneficial uses, biosolids can be used to reclaim mining sites. Decades of research and full-scale projects have shown that biosolids can restore soils disturbed by surface mining, promoting successful revegetation. This post highlights a project in Vancouver, British Columbia, where biosolids products were used to transform a gravel mine into a regional park. While this project is not in the Bay Area, we hope it may inspire Bay Area agencies to consider unconventional options for local beneficial uses of biosolids. In addition, this post highlights the carbon sequestration benefits of using biosolids products for mine reclamation.

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John Almazan John Almazan

2024 BACWA Report Summarizes Bay Area Biosolids Trends

Biosolids management programs for publicly owned treatment works in the San Francisco Bay Area are continually evolving to confront a changing management and regulatory environment. In spring 2024, the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) conducted a survey to provide updated information about the state of biosolids treatment, disposal, and beneficial use in the Bay Area. This post provides a high-level summary of the survey results included in BACWA’s 2024 Biosolids Trends Survey Report.

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Christine Polo Christine Polo

Biosolids PFAS Resources

PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals”, are a group of synthetic chemicals found almost everywhere in the environment, some of which make their way to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The US EPA will soon release a draft risk assessment to determine whether there is a need for PFAS regulations. Though it will not include the risk management portion and therefore will not be a final document, it may drive national and state-level regulatory limits. This post aims to provide a list of resources to stay up to date on the latest regulations and research related to PFAS.

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Christine Polo Christine Polo

Restoring Fire-Impacted Lands with Biosolids

In addition to their many other beneficial uses, biosolids can be used to restore fire-damaged lands. Research trials have demonstrated that applying biosolids to fire-damaged lands improves soil health, encourages revegetation, and decreases runoff. This post summarizes two of these trials and provides links to additional resources on this topic.

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Jeffrey Paley Jeffrey Paley

Using BEAM*2022 to Quantify the GHG Benefits of Beneficial Use of Biosolids and Biogas 

We’ve known for some time now that beneficial use of biosolids has a positive impact on the climate and carbon sequestration. Wastewater agencies now have a way to calculate this impact: BEAM*2022. Many wastewater agencies across the country are using this biosolids-focused greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting model to calculate the GHG emissions of solids handling. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) recently utilized the model to calculate the emissions of solids handling and biogas utilization alternatives to identify opportunities to mitigate emissions.

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Christine Polo Christine Polo

Biosolids Product Profile Sheet: Dried Product 

This product profile describes the various technologies available for biosolids drying and the types of dried biosolids products, including their typical characteristics and the markets in which they can be used.

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Ryan Batjiaka Ryan Batjiaka

UC Merced - Carbon Sequestration via Land Application of Biosolids

A recent study by UC Merced measured soil organic carbon on ranches in Northern California that land apply biosolids to improve soil fertility and found that biosolids increased soil organic carbon content. The encouraging results indicate that the use of biosolids helps soil store more carbon, which is an important tool in the fight against climate change and rebuilding the health of our soils.

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Jeffrey Paley Jeffrey Paley

California Bioresources Alliance Symposium and Innovative Technology Seminars

Two events of interest to the BABC are happening in late November 2023. The California Bioresources Alliance Symposium will be held both virtually and in-person in Sacramento on November 28th and 29th. CASA and CWEA’s Innovative Technology Seminars will be held in person in Oakland on November 29th and in Los Angeles on November 30th.

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Sarah Deslauriers Sarah Deslauriers

Biosolids Product Profile Sheet: Class B Cake

The Bay Area Biosolids Coalition has just published a profile on the most common biosolids product produced by its members - Class B cake. This is the first in a series of biosolids product profiles intended to be used as a tool when communicating with potential end-users and the general public.

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Sarah Deslauriers Sarah Deslauriers

Biosolids Regulatory & Research Summary

Beneficially using biosolids is core to the Bay Area Biosolids Coalition’s mission. To preserve beneficial uses while remaining compliant with evolving regulations, the Coalition tracks regulations and participates in research at the national, state, and local levels. To learn more about biosolids regulations and research, see the attached summary.

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